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3. Fi Butler: the Alpha and Omega of art skills

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

✍️ What does life drawing do for your art practice?

Fi: Life drawing as a regular practice provides the Alpha and Omega of art skills. The basic learning of all things visual is encompassed in this singular practice. Proportion, scale, perspective, light fall, realism, stylisation, colour awareness are some of the vital lessons of any art practice, and they’re all there when we sit down to draw the human body.

You may be interested in portraiture, abstraction, sculpture, or even landscape painting; (the body is a landscape in and of itself) and Life Drawing classes will bring about a broader understanding of all of these. You have an endless choice of mediums, no restrictions on style or even materials.

It’s an ideal activity to keep your own practice alive and flourishing

✍️ What is your experience of the sessions at Life Drawing Bangor?

Fi: Life drawing class on a Monday night is such a bright light in my week. It’s my chance to hang out with some lovely, like minded people and just draw and paint to my heart’s content without interruption. The very act of committing to regular life drawing classes ensures that a very important but easily neglected part of me gets honoured; the part that loves to create, express and explore all things arty.

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